Aloha mai! While Kanu Ka ʻIke (KKI) remains the foundational enterprise of our way of life. I want to introduce and include the Agriculture department of (KKI) called Kapūʻao, a Cultural Farm. Kapūʻao translates into “the womb”. We selectively and carefully grow each plant with a collective contribution in mind, with purpose and intention to contribute to the overall health and wellbeing of our ʻāina (community).The womb is where life forms and evolves, and in our case, it’s a place where we cultivate, nurture and grow plants, relationships and knowledge. We also bring a strong cultural influence and perspective in the way we grow and share our products, which is very valuable to our integrity and who we are. Kapūʻao is an extension of our passion connecting people and ʻāina through education and environmental kinship. We are a proud, Native Hawaiian owned business working hard to keep up and fill spaces in a complex agriculture arena.

"There is no Agriculture without Culture" -Koa Hewahewa